A Yuba City man with a felony record was arrested after he allegedly pointed a loaded gun at a woman in broad daylight while ...
A Utah man has been arrested and faces charges after he allegedly pointed a gun at another driver while on Interstate 15.
A person is in custody after being accused of pointing a gun at a food truck worker.The victim reported the suspect drove by ...
A 33-year-old man was arrested Friday afternoon after pointing a gun at passing traffic and a Lacey police officer on the Chehalis Western Trail, according to the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office and ...
(KSLA) - A student in Caddo Parish has been arrested for allegedly pointing a weapon at another student ... During the incident, Robinson reportedly pointed a BB gun, which looked like a handgun, at ...
Washington High School student has been arrested for pointing a BB gun at another ... notified that Robinson pointed the BB gun, which looked like a real handgun, at another student.
The man is facing preliminary charges of resisting law enforcement, Level 6 Felony, and unlawful carrying of a handgun, Class ...