This was the moment her cousin and heir, the Scottish King James VI, had been waiting for. Scotland was one of the poorest kingdoms in Europe, with a weak and feeble crown. England by comparison ...
This year marks the 400th anniversary of the death of King James VI and I. The greatest legacy of his reign was the ...
The succession passed smoothly and James VI of Scotland became James I of England ... James' vision of himself as king of a united Britain occupied his early years. James even went as far as ...
In March 1603, Elizabeth died and James became king of England and Ireland in a remarkably smooth transition of power. After 1603 he only visited Scotland once, in 1617. One of James's great ...
On the abdication of his brother Edward VIII in December 1936 he was proclaimed King and took one of his middle names, George, on succeeding to the throne. The coronation of George VI and Queen ...
Scotland's History Articles James VI, King of Scots 1567 - 1625, King of England and Ireland 1603 - 1625 The Adobe Flash player and Javascript are required in order to view a video which appears ...