The enthusiasm of the people continues. From, the London Times. King VICTOR EMANUEL has accepted the Sovereignty of Italy. He must have had strict but peculiar notions of etiquette if he had any ...
And today, the King and Queen’s first State Visits of the year are announced, with the Palace saying they will travel to Italy and the Holy See where they will meet Pope Francis. “Their ...
Italy's ambassador to the U.K. Inigo Lambertini also attended. "To say that we are looking forward to it would be to engage in a little British understatement," the king said of his upcoming ...
LONDON TIMES -- NEW YORK TIMES Special Cablegram. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article.
It is expected to coincide with the King and Queen's 20th wedding anniversary on 9 April. Tucci - who presented Searching For Italy, a BBC programme celebrating Italian food and culture - will ...
Nicknamed "the King of May" because he reigned for just ... and in particular for having signed the racial laws of 1938. Post-fascist Italy turned its back on the House of Savoy.
The political unification of Italy required a substantial financial commitment on the part of the new government, which resorted to a large issue of public debt securities. During the 1870s ...
King Charles and Queen Camilla are to host actor Stanley Tucci at a formal dinner on Friday evening to mark the confirmation of a state visit to Italy later this year. The royal couple will travel ...