Nuclear Salt Water Rocket (NSWR) is a rocket that uses known physics and engineering and there are versions that could reach ...
By the end of the year the physicist Werner Heisenberg had calculated that nuclear fission chain reactions might be possible. When slowed down and controlled in a "uranium machine" (nuclear ...
This causes the nucleus to break apart and release additional neutrons that can trigger further fission reactions, resulting in a chain reaction. This reaction is the basis for current nuclear ...
In nuclear fission, atoms such as U-235 or Pu-239 split when a neutron hits them, releasing energy in the form of heat (along with more neutrons that can continue the chain reaction). This heat ...
Reports suggest the justices are favoring Texas, though a ruling in the state’s favor could counter its recent efforts at ...
Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) are nuclear fission reactors in which either the fuel and/or the coolant is a molten salt. Molten salt is salt which liquifies at elevated temperatures and can store ...
Yet despite improvements in the design of nuclear-fission reactors ... but requires a chain reaction for the reactor to remain self-sustaining. By comparison, a fusion reactor generates an ...
It's this chain reaction that makes nuclear weapons so devastatingly powerful ... crews recovered only the "primary" fission section. The "secondary" fusion section was left in the ground ...
After confirming that the reactor has reached a critical state where nuclear fuel is sustaining a fission chain reaction, the reactor will start generating electricity as early as Nov. 7.
This revelation comes at a time when China, Russia, and the U.S. are racing to expand their nuclear technology and make ...