Belarus’ Foreign Minister Maksim Ryzhenkov has met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Arab Emirates to the ...
A navigation plan of Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti reads that the US Navy is preparing for the possibility of ...
The 7th session of the Belarus-Pakistan Joint Ministerial Commission, chaired by Belarus’ Energy Minister Aleksei Kushnarenko and ...
More than 12 thousand foreigners have visited Belarus after the introduction of the extended visa-free regime. In addition to citizens ...
Latvian security forces beat and robbed an Indian citizen, and later forced him out to the Belarusian territory, reports with ...
The Belarusian military and law enforcement agencies as a whole will be seriously tested across all directions – as noted by President ...
It has been decided to create a new military unit in Belarus, which will be composed of citizens who have already served in the army and ...
We need to prepare for war — and God grant this war does not happen – as noted by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko during ...
A state defence system has been created in Belarus, and now it is necessary to check it thoroughly – as stated by President Aleksandr ...
Polish politicians who call for shooting down Russian missiles over Ukrainian territory are encouraging Russia to bomb Poland – as noted ...
The world has become hostage to the selfish approaches of Western countries based on the desire to ensure their interests at the expense ...
A press conference and a presentation of the Prawda Polska Foundation are taking place in Minsk today. Tomasz Szmydt, a Polish ex-judge ...