If the election for parliament were to be held today, 7 political formations are certain to enter the National Assembly, indicates a poll by Trend agency, commissioned by 24 Chasa daily. GERB/SDS ...
The latest population census in the country confirms the deepening of negative demographic trends that have existed in Bulgaria for the past 30 years - decline and aging of the population, ...
In “Bulgaria Today” on Wednesday, September 25, we bring you, first, the latest news from this country. Next on the show: The system of education is a reflection of the sore points in our society.
Milena is 16 years old girl from Sofia, studying at the Second English Language School "Thomas Jefferson". She likes math and history classes and wants to become a journalist in the future. She has ...
Often times, when we talk about Bulgaria, the dividing line between "before" and "now" creeps in - in political, social and historical terms. But something in which Bulgaria has been undeniably ...
May 6 is the Day of Bravery and the Bulgarian Army. Since 1933, a military parade takes place each year on May 6 on occasion of the Bravery Day. However, this year’s military parade will take place ...
September 2 marked the one-year anniversary of the devastating floods that struck the Karlovo villages of Bogdan, Karavelovo and Slatina. Many of the people affected are still unable to return to ...
The whole of 2020 is passing under the sign of a notable jubilee – 170 years since the birth of Bulgaria poet, writer and prominent public figure Ivan Vazov, titled, in his own lifetime “patriarch of ...
Новият министър-председател на Япония Шигеру Ишиба, чието утвърждаване от парламента на страната се очаква утре, обяви днес, че на 27 ...
На 29 септември 2024 г. след дълго боледуване в Мадрид почина българската цигуларка с международна кариера Стойка Миланова.
Празничен концерт на входа на Морската градина във Варна, организиран от фондация "Искам бебе" и община Варна, ...
Българската агенция по безопасност на храните (БАБХ) констатира огнище на птичи грип в птицевъдна ферма в село Стряма, ...