The Federal Assault Weapons Ban (FAWB) would have prevented as many as 38 mass shootings that have taken place since ...
Food sold in shrink wrap, on cardboard trays or in paper containers might contain any of nearly 200 chemicals linked ...
Latino and Black family doctors are more likely to hang their shingle in their old neighborhood and care for the les ...
Surrogate moms have a higher risk of pregnancy complications than other pregnant women, a new study finds.About 8% o ...
Psilocybin could help people suffering from a mental health problem that can lead to eating disorders, a new study s ...
One in three former NFL players believe they have football-related brain damage that’s doing untold harm to their liv ...
Kids born during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic appear to have no higher risk of autism, even if they were e ...
Antidepressants have the potential to improve memory and thinking skills, a new study suggests.Some patients experien ...
Kidney stone fragments sometimes just need a little push to be flushed out of a person’s system, a new trial finds.Ab ...
Research in rats and hibernating squirrels has pinpointed a naturally occurring protein that appears to reverse catar ...
Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, appears to ease depression symptoms at least as well as one of ...