An American sailor said the Portuguese-flagged cargo ship ‘came out of the blue’ as it smashed into his oil tanker ...
The 59-year-old captain of the Solong, which struck the US tanker Stena Immaculate off the east coast of Yorkshire on Monday, ...
The Stena Immaculate had previously travelled from the Greek port of Agioi Theodoroi and the Solong was en route from the Scottish port of Grangemouth to Rotterdam, according to tracking websites.
An oil tanker and cargo ship are both reported to be on fire after colliding in the North Sea off the coast of Lincolnshire, ...
An oil tanker collided with a cargo ship in the North Sea off the northeastern coast of the United Kingdom, causing a massive ...
A long-awaited report assessing the future of the Grangemouth refinery site is expected to be published next week, a Scottish Government minister has said. Project Willow – which is being produced ...
The Project Willow report on the future of the Grangemouth refinery site is “ready to go” and will be released in the coming days, MSPs have been told. The Scottish Government’s acting ...