CHICAGO (WLS) -- The Chicago City Council approved a settlement for a woman injured during a 2020 protest on Wednesday. The ...
In the swelling worshiping milieu, the transactional nature of politics is washed away in a hot potion of religious fervor.
The money will compensate Boyd for being roughed up and having her front tooth knocked out during a 2020 protest at the Christopher Columbus statue in Grant Park.
The Chicago City Council approved a $280,000 settlement with an activist who was struck and injured by a CPD officer in 2020.
The parade is set to start at East Balbo Drive and South Columbus Drive, near Grant Park and move north on South Columbus ...
Several Black aldermen and clergy members rallied ahead of the meeting to urge the council to vote down a proposal from Ald.
Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade will kick off at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, stepping off from Columbus and Balbo drives.
Hundreds of protesters surrounded the Christopher Columbus statue in Grant Park on July 17, 2020. They attempted to pull the statue down and many battled with Chicago police officers.
The Chicago European Film Festival at the Gene Siskel Film Center will focus on Poland for its 28th spotlight, showing new ...