Dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba has begun to surface within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, as a sense of crisis is growing ahead of this ...
Opposition lawmakers increased the pressure on the ruling Liberal Democratic Party to provide details behind the shady ...
A lawmaker of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party called Wednesday for the replacement of Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba, ...
Junichiro Matsumoto, the chief accountant of the Liberal Democratic Party’s Abe faction during former Prime Minister Shinzo ...
The scandal involves the practice of kicking back fundraising party revenues to member lawmakers by the former LDP faction once led by the late former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. A former chief ...
A key figure implicated in a slush funds scandal engulfing Japan's ruling party on Thursday stuck to his contention that the ...
Junichiro Matsumoto, the ex-accountant of a faction previously led by Shinzo Abe, did not name the person who reinstated the ...
Tokyo, Feb. 27 (Jiji Press)--Four former senior members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party faction previously led by the late Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe unanimously agreed in August ...
The Budget Committee of the House of Representatives had been set to question the Abe faction's former chief accountant on Thursday. But the opposition camp harshly reacted to the LDP's stance ...
The former chief treasurer of a faction of Japan's main ruling Liberal Democratic Party has been questioned by a Diet committee about a political fund scandal. The faction was once led by the late ...