Online-only banks have grown in popularity in recent years thanks to certain benefits that brick-and-mortar banks can't match. With less overhead costs from not having to operate physical branches ...
Share the best of The Jakarta Post with friends, family, or colleagues. As a subscriber, you can gift 3 to 5 articles each month that anyone can read—no subscription needed! resident Prabowo ...
The financial-services sector reported steadily climbing returns over the past 12 months. So far in 2025, the Morningstar US Financial Services Index is outperforming the Morningstar US Market ...
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 25 (Bernama) -- Bank Rakyat is allocating another RM50 million for the Bank Rakyat Indian Entrepreneur Financing-i (BRIEF-i) programme, bringing the total funding to RM100 million ...
KUALA LUMPUR: The minimum wage is not determined by the Poverty Line Income (PLI), says Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Mohamad. The Deputy Human Resources Minister said that the minimum wage is the basic ...
Ketua Majelis Tinggi Partai Demokrat Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) menekankan, pentingnya pengawasan terhadap Badan Pengelolaan Investasi Daya Anagata Nusantara (BPI Danantara). SBY ingin memastikan ...
Sebagai langkah awal, tujuh perusahaan BUMN strategis akan berada di bawah naungan Danantara, yaitu PT Pertamina (Persero), PT PLN (Persero), dan PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Kemudian, PT ...
Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), with a market capitalization of $36.3 billion, reported its Q4 2024 earnings, revealing a modest increase in net profit and stable financial performance. The company's ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The liquidity of Indonesia's economy shows a positive trend at the start of 2025. Bank Indonesia (BI) reported that the broad money supply (M2) in January 2025 reached Rp9,232.8 ...
RAKYATBENTENG.COM - Setiap bank memiliki kebijakan saldo minimum yang harus mengendap di rekening nasabahnya. Besaran saldo ini bervariasi tergantung jenis tabungan yang digunakan. Dana tersebut tidak ...
KUR BRI 2025 - Ilustrasi foto memperlihatkan logo BRI dan aplikasi Brimo. Berikut cicilan terendah KUR BRI dengan pinjaman atau plafon Rp50 juta. Bank BRI hadirkan pinjaman dengan program Kredit Usaha ...
Selain Tabungan Tasbih Haji Udin produk tabungan lainnya di Bank Sumsel Babel Syariah yakni Kaffah, Rofiqoh, Tasbih Haji, Tabungan Simpel iB, dan Tabunganku. Untuk deposito, ada deposito Kaffah.