The world of WordPress, one of the most popular technologies for creating and hosting websites, is going through a very ...
WordPress drama went up another notch on Wednesday after banned hosting provider WP Engine from accessing its ...
Matt Mullenweg, an entrepreneur who developed WordPress and founded Automattic, a provider of free WordPress, shut off access ...
WordPress banned WP Engine, a managed WordPress web host, blocking thousands of websites from adding or updating plugins and ...
WordPress co-founder and CEO Matt Mullenweg blasted the website hosting firm, claiming WP Engine "broke thousands of customer ...
WordPress is an open source CMS which is extensible using plugins. Its home is, which also hosts resources such ...
Automattic CEO and former Lead Developer at WordPress Foundation Matt Mullenweg didn't mince words when he called WP Engine a ... blocks WP Engine which will effectively ban WP Engine from accessing WordPress' free resources such as plug-ins ... has banned WP Engine from accessing its resources and stopped delivering plugin updates to websites hosted on the platform, urging impacted users to choose other hosting providers. escalated its conflict with WPEngine by blocking its servers from accessing vital resources, including plugin updates. Following a dispute ...
WordPress and WP Engine are embroiled in a high-stakes conflict. The content management system blocks the hosting provider's ...
The WordPress v. WP Engine feud just got real with WordPress cutting off the hosting platform's access to WordPress resources ...