I spent 30 years as a teacher and administrator in the public school system. During that time 17 years was as a school administrator, four of which I was an assistant principal at a National Blue ...
Vouchers would let parents use public funds to pay for their kids’ private education. Learn about how they could work and the ...
The proposal would create education savings accounts and give families $10,000 a year in state funds to pay for their ...
The Texas Senate revealed a bill on Friday to create an education savings accounts program, a top priority for Gov. Greg ...
In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, it is suggested that a state flourishes best when its leaders reluctantly govern, prioritizing stability. In contrast, a state where leaders are overly eager to wield ...
As the Idaho Legislature reconvenes, out-of-state interests are again pushing legislators to pass an education voucher scheme ...
Reducing the state’s support of public schools to pay for vouchers will force local governments to try to make up the ...
Rep. Jim Wooten of Beebe, a Republican, did a remarkable thing recently. He filed a bill that would require private schools that accept Gov. Sarah Sanders' funding for vouchers to report the same ...
Larry Nance Jr. joins KOC to reflect on his experiences with former teammate, Kobe Bryant, as the five-year anniversary of ...
Dan Conaway writes, “Every vote for vouchers takes tax money, your money, from already underfunded public schools and gives ...
Can we stop referring to it as “School Choice?” Idaho families already have school choice. If you want to attend a public ...
Knox County Democrats gathered for a townhall meeting on Thursday ahead of the special legislative session expected to focus on school vouchers, disaster recovery, and immigration.