Let me tell you how fckg good it feels that these Literary Moral Paragons and SUNY Albany or whatever they’re calling ...
Each state is granted 2 votes in the Electoral College for each State Senator plus votes equaling the total number of congressional districts in the state (e.g. the largest State of California has 54 ...
The outcome could permit the emergence of a new security architecture along the Israel-Lebanon border that fulfills a key ...
As we head into Falls Prevention Awareness Week, I thought it was an especially appropriate time to share some thoughts on ...
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. The Two-State Solution, in the guise of the ...
Last week, a group of courageous Israeli teenagers from the Gaza envelope, each bearing the heavy reality of ongoing trauma, ...
Healthy food costs more, more crops have gone to waste, and the risk of food insecurity is real. The people and the farmers ...
– Cited by Col. Harry Summers, On Strategy, regarding America’s failure in Vietnam.
Mass rape is not simply a savage act of lust but a sinister strategy of dominance, a brutal inscription of power onto the ...
1 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple ...
However, the Gemara (ibid) records the opinion of the Rabbis, that Yom Kippur does not bring about forgiveness without ...
Pagers have no microphone, no connection to the internet, and are used as one way signal receiving devices, ostensibly safe ...