Bexar County Commissioners approved the purchase of eight new safety barriers to protect crowds at large gatherings. The ...
The Brick-based Liberty School Association had hoped to rent the Sunday school at Fellowship Chapel, but their plans were dashed Thursday night.
The county is spending more than $100,000 on eight of the barriers, available to law enforcement agencies throughout Bexar County.
The 700-pound steel shields are capable of stopping a car traveling 30 mph and can withstand armor-piercing bullets. The ...
The City of Venice is getting a new design of its seawall and glass barrier. It's a fix from Hurricane Idalia in 2023, and ...
Bootstrap Business explains how much noise a sound barrier can really block. What to know about barriers blocking sounds on roads and highways.
This is the shocking moment a 'newly bought' BMW spun out of control and crashed into a brick wall in Wolverhampton. CCTV ...
According to Investopedia, real estate investing trusts (REITs) are companies that own, operate, or finance income-producing ...
Virginia’s Clean Slate Law represents a monumental shift in our approach to criminal justice and allows people currently ...
The NHL trade deadline is quickly approaching. The Dallas Stars have racked up injuries all season on the blue line, and need ...
I'm the architect for this renovation. I am Tracy Underwood. I'm the shareholder in this building. Welcome to my 400 square ...
Recently Miles-Bartee sat down with The Kansas City Star’s culture and identity reporter, J.M. Banks, and talked about the ...