Ideally, burns treatment should be decentralised so that local levels have primary burn care centres no more than two hours ...
Nepal’s first consumer court, a specialised judicial body handling consumer complaints and grievances, is set to kick off ...
Visiting UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has expressed his full support for the reform process initiated by ...
KATHMANDU: Amid uncertainties over the resumption of funding for many healthcare programmes, especially training those funded ...
Nepali police officer Jiwan Subba still feels pangs of regret decades after he bludgeoned a strange creature he found wandering in his barn, not realising it was an endangered red panda.
World Kidney Day was marked Thursday with the theme “Are Your Kidneys OK? – Detect early, protect kidney health”. This sends the message that kidney disease can be detected before it becomes serious.
India has a very ancient dream to establish itself as a regional power in the geopolitical context of South Asia.  But the ...
With its outbound student mobility ratio at 19%, nearly 10 times that of India and China, Nepal is attracting international ...
While the recent rallies have drawn international attention, support for a return to the monarchy is neither new nor a ...
Bodh Raj Mourya, also of Gaidahawa, keeps two dogs that bark nonstop whenever nilgais enter his fields, waking him up so he ...
Uttarakhand government seals 52 Madrasas, sparking criticism from Muslim organizations for alleged misuse of power.
The owners of Fei Er Cottage in London could now be fined £240,000 after a Home Office team found four staff working without ...