The ocean covers nearly three-quarters of our planet but scientists say we have barely scratched the surface of what lives in ...
LONG BEACH, Calif. - Crews quickly contained an oil spill that was spotted in the water at the Port of Long Beach . According ...
A small oil sheen was spotted at the Port of Long Beach on Thursday. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response announced the detection on ...
One duck is dead and several others have been rescued after an oil spill at OU pond and now the group that first brought attention to the spill is demanding ans ...
HARWICH’S Haltermann Carless have donated special equipment to the Harwich Society’s Bobbit after a cooking oil spillage.
WildCare Oklahoma responded to a report of a oil spill in the Duck Pond on OU’s campus Monday, collecting eight ducks for ...
There have been “no reports of pollution” after an oil tanker and cargo ship crashed in the North Sea off the East Yorkshire coast, a ...
KIMO, a leading organisation dedicated to protecting coastal communities and marine environments, has said it is “deeply ...
Concerns have been raised about the potentially devastating ecological impact the two vessel collision and ongoing oil spill ...
The wind direction could prevent oil that spilled into the sea after a tanker and cargo ship crashed in the North Sea from washing up on the ...
This week’s ship collision off the Humber could have been much worse. Just one person is unaccounted for and one other needed ...
As rescue efforts are called off for one missing crew member, thoughts turn to the potential impact on marine life ...