Liberal (PNL) spokesperson, Ionut Stroe, stated on Friday that ' obviously' the relations of the liberals with the social-democrats 'do not pass through a very smooth period', saying that, keeping the ...
The security situation in the Middle East is volatile and top efforts should pursue avoiding a war that would affect the entire region, Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu declared on Saturday.
The Ministry of National Defense (MApN) informs that four combat aircraft were lifted from the ground, on the night of Thursday to Friday, to monitor the situation on the border with Ukraine, where ...
The Private Equity (PE) market in Romania is underdeveloped compared to the situation in the region, as well as at the European and global levels, with the ratio of Private Equity investment value to ...
CEC Bank Group reports a net profit of RON 279.8 million in the first half of 2024, of which the bank's net profit was RON 269.5 million, the bank informed on Thursday, in a statement sent on ...
Made in Romania or BVB Arena currently, shows that the Bucharest Stock Exchange can be a stage that helps promote local companies, on Thursday evening said Radu Hanga, the president of the Board of ...
The budget deficit rose to 4.57% of GDP after the first eight months of this year, from 4.02% of GDP at seven months, according to the data sent by the Ministry of Public Finance on Friday."Execution ...
The contract for the construction of the bridge complex over the Prut, in Ungheni, was signed on Friday, and the contractor Ness Proiect Europe has at its disposal almost 152 mill ...
The Prime Minister of Baden-Wurttemberg State, Winfried Kretschmann, started a visit to Romania from Sunday to Tuesday, on which occasion he will have meetings with the president and the prime ...
The average rate for buying a two-room apartment in Bucharest came to hald a weight of about 40% of the average salary in the national economy, down from 43% at the end of the previous year, according ...
Liberal (PNL) spokesperson, Ionut Stroe, announced on Friday that the initiators of the draft law which allowed president Klaus Iohannis to run for the parliamentary elections as an independent ...
Proportion of retail investors holding stocks in their portfolio saw a significant jump in Q3 vs Q2 Those invested in locally listed firms grew 10% whilst ownership of foreign stocks is up 16% ...