Born in Porto Alegre with Brazilian and Palestinian roots, rapper and singer-songwriter Maj, released the final three tracks ...
Brazil's President Lula met with King Abdullah II of Jordan on Sep. 24 in New York, US, on the sidelines of the 79th General Assembly of the UN.
Brazil has made payments of BRL 1.3 billion [USD 235 million] since the beginning of this year related to commitments to ...
In his UN General Assembly opening speech on Sep. 24, Brazil’s President Lula called for Security Council reform.
O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva teve encontro com o Rei da Jordânia, Abdullah II, na terça-feira (24) em Nova York, ...
A rapper, cantora e compositora Majda Asad lançou as três últimas faixa de uma obra musical que reflete sua identidade entre ...
Na abertura da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas, nesta terça-feira (24), o presidente Lula cobrou reforma do Conselho de ...
سيحتفل النادي الرياضي السوري، وهو نادِ اجتماعي ثقافي رياضي في مدينة ساو باولو، والذي أسسته الجالية العربية، بالذكرى الـ 19 ...
ستضيف إمارة الشارقة في الفترة من 28 أيلول/ سبتمبر وحتى 08 كانون الاول/ ديسمبر من هذا العام معرضاً بعنوان: "البحث عن لغز مفتوح ...