Saturday saw the 35th annual Coastal Cleanup Day, an international endeavor to protect oceans, watersheds and wildlife.
Sunday saw a crowd of nearly 3,000 gather at Santa Monica Airport to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first flight around the world.
The November election in Santa Monica will be among the least contested in City history as one of the two races that voters would have had a voice in is now moot following the withdrawal of the lone ...
A constant voice in Santa Monica, known equally for his humor and strong opinions, Jack Neworth has left an indelible mark on the city he called home.
It’s no secret that Santa Monica’s unique slice of Los Angeles equates to higher rents, but one report says the city stands ...
Hotel happenings are nothing new in Santa Monica, but the city by the sea has some new developments on that front this fall.
Recent articles in the Santa Monica Daily Press have explored several aspects of homelessness in Santa Monica. At present, ...
California is poised today to announce which schools will share a windfall to bolster career paths for students — but delays ...
This Tuesday’s City Council meeting is an usually light affair, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any interesting items on ...
With a matter of days remaining before early voters can send in their ballots, endorsements and cash continue to flow into campaigns both local and regional including a new player in the City Council ...
California voters will begin marking their mail-in ballots for the Nov. 5 election in just a few days and how they vote may ...
Reed Park is on a lot of radars at the moment for all the wrong reasons. The park is home to the County’s needle distribution ...