Every college student struggles with money, no matter how much they have, there never seems to be enough. Come meet the experts who can show you how to get through college without unnecessary debt. If ...
Schedule Data is not real time and is updated nightly at 12:00 a.m. Students should log into My Sac State and click on ‘Search the Class Schedule’ for real-time class schedule information, including ...
The Sankofa Research Team is cataloging baskets, drums and tools donated to Sacramento State, and will eventually share them ...
The MAT program focuses on inquiry-based education which includes hands-on instruction with problem-based learning and issues-centered curriculum and a focus on reflection during the teaching and ...
The career development process is a life-long process of exploring, preparing and engaging with your career stages. The resources below are helpful starting points, although students/alumni are ...
Curious what careers your major could lead to? Want to know if a career path is actually right for you? Advize helps you learn directly from professionals who've been there! Discover real career paths ...
The new orchestral work from Shuying Li, head of the School of Music’s Composition program, touches on themes of rebirth and transformation and reflects Li’s desire to bridge cultures.
Writing assessment and instruction in pre-K through 12 classrooms and other settings is the dominant focus. Topics include research and theoretical models of composition, classroom-based instructional ...
As we prepare for the Common Human Resources System (CHRS) Move to Production (MTP), important deadlines impact campus operations. The campus HR system interacts with various other systems, some of ...
(1) We are looking for graduate and undergradaute students with experience in Electrical Engineering subjects, and someone who preferably completed BS degree. Studently currently pursuing BS are also ...
Our campus came together to mark the wonderful progress that we've made toward fulfilling the Antiracism and Inclusive Campus Action Plan (AICAP). We were so happy that so many Hornets were able to ...