The family of the late master builder Richard Lugner has thanked everyone for their sympathy following his death.
Following its recent election successes, the AfD has formulated a new claim. In future, the party does not just want to play ...
In a week's time, Austria will elect a new National Council. According to the latest APA election trend, the FPÖ can still ...
How Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler envisions the future of Lower Austria as a "commuter state", why the railroad alone cannot ...
This is a record of horror: 577 reports have been filed so far in connection with the Vienna derby between Rapid and Austria ...
In the oratorio, Haydn musically traces the creation of the world as described in the Book of Genesis in the Bible: the ...
It will be dark at Weißsee in Uttendorf/Pinzgau next Sunday! The Zell hotelier Wilfried Holleis is closing the cable car to ...
In future, carrier pigeons in the colors of the rainbow will be displayed at the regional and higher regional courts in ...
Unusually heavy snowfalls fell in South Africa at the weekend - up to two meters of snow were measured in some places. But ...
Author Robert Schneider dedicates his new series to the diverse club life in Vorarlberg - this time he talks to Edwine ...
Once again, the sporting side of a Vienna derby has been overshadowed by a secondary issue. Will away fans be banned in ...
In the final spurt of the election campaign, the KPÖ is increasingly focusing on the issue of peace in order to win votes.