"In view of Noah's extremely challenging start in life, the entire Tulln Assistance Command, above all the soldiers of ...
In the summer, sailing ace Lara Vadlau sensationally won Olympic gold in France - the "Krone" knows her bonuses. And her dad, ...
The audiences of Pope Francis (87) scheduled for Monday have been canceled due to a mild flu.
From September 26 to October 13, 2024, the Vienna Kaiser Wiesn will once again take place in the Prater. This year, Austria's ...
"To make a comment like that so early in the season - I don't understand it." Sky pundit Didi Hamann is irritated by Marcel ...
According to a business survey, the eurozone economy contracted in September for the first time in seven months. The decline ...
In the vast majority of cases, foreclosures are the result of both personal and economic dramas. But where there is shadow, ...
Im Sommer hatte Segel-Ass Lara Vadlau in Frankreich sensationell Olympia-Gold geholt – die „Krone“ kennt ihre Prämien. Und ...
Schwerer Verkehrsunfall Sonntagnachmittag in der Weststeiermark: In Stallhofen fuhr eine Autofahrerin eine Radlerin nieder.
Popsängerin Madonna lässt sich mit 66 Jahren nicht von frivolen Outfits abbringen. Nachdem sie die Fashionshow von Dolce & ...
Freude herrscht derzeit vermutlich bei den ÖBB. In Tirol ist die Bereitschaft, das Mobilitätsverhalten zu verändern, ...
Serious traffic accident on Sunday afternoon in western Styria: in Stallhofen, a car driver crashed into a cyclist. The ...