At the Leningrad NPP, the construction of a combined pumping station for fire-fighting water supply and automatic water fire ...
The Lower Saxony Ministry of the Environment has rejected an application from the Federation for the Environment & Nature ...
Russia’s ODTs UGR (Opitno-Demonstratsionnii Tsentr vivoda iz ekspluatatsii Uran-Grafitovikh Reaktorov – pilot demonstration ...
Canada-based Laurentis Energy Partners,a subsidiary of Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and Colibri Isotopes Corporation ...
US-based Longview Fusion Energy Systems and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have entered into a Cooperative ...
China and Japan have reached a four-point agreement on the discharge of treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP ...
Holtec Britain, a subsidiary of US-based Holtec International, has selected South Yorkshire for construction of a factory to ...
At Russia’s Mayak Production Association in Ozersk work is continuing to install a sixth furnace at the radio chemical ...
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (Tepco) has again suspended attempts to collect melted nuclear fuel at unit 2 of ...
Russian and Turkish specialists have installed the dome of the outer containment (NZO – Naruzhnoi Zatsitnoi Obolochki) at ...
On the sidelines of Climate Week in New York City, major banks, government representatives and industry executives recognised ...
A drone attack has damaged part of the Zarya substation, located 300 metres from the perimeter of the Zaporizhia ...