At the Leningrad NPP, the construction of a combined pumping station for fire-fighting water supply and automatic water fire ...
The Lower Saxony Ministry of the Environment has rejected an application from the Federation for the Environment & Nature ...
Russia’s ODTs UGR (Opitno-Demonstratsionnii Tsentr vivoda iz ekspluatatsii Uran-Grafitovikh Reaktorov – pilot demonstration ...
Canada-based Laurentis Energy Partners,a subsidiary of Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and Colibri Isotopes Corporation ...
US-based Longview Fusion Energy Systems and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have entered into a Cooperative ...
At Russia’s Mayak Production Association in Ozersk work is continuing to install a sixth furnace at the radio chemical ...
China and Japan have reached a four-point agreement on the discharge of treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi NPP ...
Holtec Britain, a subsidiary of US-based Holtec International, has selected South Yorkshire for construction of a factory to ...
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (Tepco) has again suspended attempts to collect melted nuclear fuel at unit 2 of ...
Russian and Turkish specialists have installed the dome of the outer containment (NZO – Naruzhnoi Zatsitnoi Obolochki) at ...
A drone attack has damaged part of the Zarya substation, located 300 metres from the perimeter of the Zaporizhia ...
On the sidelines of Climate Week in New York City, major banks, government representatives and industry executives recognised ...