Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki officiates at a ceremony to welcome a pair of giant pandas presented by the central government ...
税務局主辦的第五屆「一帶一路」税收徵管合作 論壇 今日圓滿閉幕。論壇為期三日,近50個國家和地區約500名税務官員、税務專家,以及國際組織、學術機構、企業代表等參加。
The 5th Belt & Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum hosted by the Inland Revenue Department concludes ...
Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki chairs an inter-departmental working group meeting to instruct various departments to better ...
Secretary for Health Prof Lo Chung-mau and a delegation begin their visit to Beijing by calling on Mainland officials to introduce them to the latest developments of various healthcare reforms in Hong ...
Secretary for the Civil Service Ingrid Yeung attends a Government Career Fair at the Polytechnic University (PolyU) and calls ...
Secretary for Transport & Logistics Lam Sai-hung attends the 11th China Air Finance Development Summit in Tianjin.
政府統計處公布,8月本港整體出口貨值按年上升6.4%,進口貨值也升7.9%,錄得有形貿易逆差331億元,相等於商品進口貨值的8%。 經季節性調整,截至8月止三個月與對上三個月比較,商品整體出口貨值升0.3%,進口貨值上升3.8%。