Voiceover: Financial Secretary Paul Chan began his visit to London where he attended the annual "Hong Kong Dinner" organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. He also delivered a keynote ...
Starting from September 30, members of the public can settle fixed penalties of public cleanliness and obstruction offences ...
Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki officiates at a ceremony to welcome a pair of giant pandas presented by the central government ...
税務局主辦的第五屆「一帶一路」税收徵管合作 論壇 今日圓滿閉幕。論壇為期三日,近50個國家和地區約500名税務官員、税務專家,以及國際組織、學術機構、企業代表等參加。
The 5th Belt & Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum hosted by the Inland Revenue Department concludes ...
Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki chairs an inter-departmental working group meeting to instruct various departments to better ...
Secretary for Health Prof Lo Chung-mau and a delegation begin their visit to Beijing by calling on Mainland officials to introduce them to the latest developments of various healthcare reforms in Hong ...