The Norwegian Aviation Museum in Bodø, Norway, is the Norwegian national museum of aviation, a place of history and ...
Read about Col. Bernt Balchen, North America's greatest Arctic expert in modern times, as you learn Norwegian with Christie ...
Called “Flygande Jacob” in Swedish, it translates to “Flyvende Jacob” in Norwegian, “Flying Jacob” in English. In our current issue with a focus on flying and fall being a time when we are all looking ...
Birgitte Annie Molid Martinussen of High North News weighs in on the future of whaling, with a focus on the Lytring debate in Solvær, Norway.
Green Aviation Norway is a conglomerate of Norwegian organizations with the goal to make flying sustainable and environmentally friendly.
These days, the national treasure Nordkapp (the North Cape) with its plateau and scenic panoramic view, is often the recipient of complaints from angry tourists who feel ripped off. But there is a ...
Preview the 2024 Leif Eriksson International Festival (LEIFmn), a vibrant celebration of Minnesota's Nordic-American community.
Norwegian talent is being snapped up by the National Hockey League. Michael Brandsegg-Nygård and Stian Solberg lead the pack of new recruits.