The alleged killer of Antonia Lopez, the 19-year-old killed during an ambush on the night between Saturday and Sunday in the Bahia beach of Molfetta, was stopped in Bari by the Carabinieri.
Sit-in, in Piazza Matteotti in Olbia, by nurses, health care workers and technicians from the Mater Olbia Hospital and the Policlinico Sassarese who joined the national strike called by the trade ...
Hydrogeological danger in Ogliastra, Campidano, Gallura and Baronia. In Pirri the nightmare of flooding grows: «The new works are not enough» Strade allagate a Pirri (L'Unione Sarda) In Sardinia ...
The brain death of the fifteen-year-old from Vago di Lavagno, in the province of Verona, struck by his mother Alessandra Spiazzi who then committed suicide, has been confirmed. Once the six hours ...
The Fire Brigade of the Cagliari Command intervened in the Monte Liuru area of San Vito to rescue two hikers. One of the two, a 72-year-old man from Calangianus, felt unwell; the other hiker, the ...
The European Community says stop to the bans and, after 40 years of fighting African swine fever, the meat produced in Sardinian farms can finally reach the sales counters of all of Europe.
The fight against illegal campers in Villasimius continues with fines. The latest episode yesterday afternoon: a family of French tourists was caught camping on board a camper in Porto Giunco ...
Another tragedy at sea in Sardinia. This morning a spearfisherman died in the waters of Porto Palmas. The discovery of the death dates back to about two hours ago when the man was recovered by two ...
Marco Meloni has a thousand patients in his care but cannot enter service: «Despite the law they say I do not have enough hours...». Question in the regional council This is the testimony of ...
A resident reports on Facebook the situation that repeats itself every time a storm occurs A situation that repeats itself, seemingly without an immediate solution: when it pours with rain, Mario ...
The concrete “New Jersey” barriers and a row of flower boxes at the entrance to the square announce the turning point. In Arbatax, the dirt road of Rocce Rosse will be closed to vehicular traffic.
Between bank transfers and electronic gift cards 900 euros. Then the victim realized she had been deceived and turned to the police Foto simbolo (Ansa) He had lured the woman on social networks by ...