German Chancellor Olaf Scholz slammed as "an unfriendly attack" UniCredit's move to become the biggest investor in rival ...
The Italian lender had earlier disclosed a 9% stake in its German peer, reviving speculation that it could pursue a tie-up.
Things hit fever pitch on Monday after Italy’s UniCredit, led by veteran dealmaker Andrea Orcel, announced out of the blue ...
UniCredit said it had acquired on Monday, through financial instruments, a further 11.5% of Commerzbank after applying to ...
Commerzbank AG dropped after Germany said it won’t sell any more shares in the lender, a move signaling its opposition to any ...
El jefe del gobierno alemán, Olaf Scholz, lanzó el lunes una dura advertencia a UniCredit para que se abstenga de realizar actos "no amistosos", después de que el banco italiano revelara que aumentó ...