sentence structure - 'Have never seen' or 'had never seen'
Aug 7, 2017 · "I had never seen a goal like that before" places the entire statement back in 2014 when you saw the goal. "I have never seen a goal like that before" places the entire statement …
"I never saw it before" vs. "I have never seen it before"
Jul 14, 2020 · I have never seen such a big fish in real life before. This is the first time. This is the first time. Until recently, I would have thought that the first sentences was incorrect.
never saw/have seen - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Aug 22, 2019 · I never saw this movie (instead of "I have never seen this movie") I believe that the Present Perfect is usually used with the adverb " never " because the event can still happen in …
Have not vs Have never - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Jan 13, 2019 · A: Have you ever seen any beggars in this neighborhood? B: No, I have never seen one in this neighborhood in the past 25 years. (B has been living in this neighborhood for …
grammar - Past perfect tense with adverb "never" - English …
1. Correct. 2. No. The "Wow! What a movie!”part might imply that I’ve seen the movie but what if I said “I had never seen such a movie so I couldn’t comment on it.” It doesn’t mean that I have …
I HAD / HAVE never seen a match like that before!
Dec 25, 2018 · It was the worst accident I have/had ever seen. There is no defined point between the time of the accident and the following weekend when is becomes was and have seen …
Which on of the following grammar is correct? I have never seen …
May 24, 2019 · I have never seen "a" snow VS I have never seen snow. I've inputted both sentences to the Google search and found results as following. I have never seen a snow …
present perfect - "I had never" vs. "I have never" when talking …
Jan 21, 2020 · It says first that you did experience the awful pain and then that no, you never have had it. That kind of construction is often used colloquially, though. The second sentence is …
"I have never seen him working", Is it grammatically correct?
Mar 14, 2017 · I have never seen him working.' means that probably he does work but I have never seen him in the process of doing it. The second sentence 'He is very lazy. I have never …
grammar - Have ever seen or will ever see - English Language …
May 7, 2016 · This is the best performance I have ever seen. Uses a verb tense have seen which indicates it is the best performance in the past or present. This is the best performance I ever …